
Wednesday 24 July 2013

Meet The American Who Speaks Yoruba With Passion

If you want to provoke Kevin Barry, ask him how he became so proficient in Yoruba. Then, he would ask you how you were able to master English to the extent that you speak and write in it with little effort. 

Otherwise called Kayode Oyinbo,  he has mastered Yoruba such that he would even prefer that the telephone interview be conducted in the language. And so stunningly good in Yoruba haD Barry become that he has stolen the heart of actor and producer, Saidi Balogun. He is the star of U or I, the movie that Balogun premiered in Lagos last week.

“He is so passionate about Yoruba that he gets disturbed each time we are speaking and we Yoruba people mix English words with Yoruba,” Balogun notes as he recounts his experience with Barry.
Barry’s adventure in the Yoruba worldview gathered steam when he enrolled at the University of Wisconsin to study International Relations and African Culture. But it really gained  flesh in 2010 when he visited Nigeria for an exchange programme  at the University of Ibadan. He says his passion became fired and he gave the project all he could to master the language.
“There is nothing I cannot say in Yoruba,” he enthuses. “I am humble about it, but I speak it as much as I speak English.”

He recalls that he met Balogun at an event in New York, USA. After they became friends, Balogun introduced acting to him and invited him to take part in You or I, a movie that looks at marriage from the perspectives of what makes or mars it.
“I care about people I relate with. I wouldn’t want to be part of just any film. But when I looked at the script that Saheed gave me, I told him that I wanted to be part of it.”

The American, who plays the talking drum, bata, among other instruments, says the making of the film was very tasking. Apart from the fact that they had to move  from one country to the other – US, Spain, South Africa and Nigeria – which makes him to describe the experience as involving a gorilla style, he adds that there were days they had sleepless nights.
Kayode Oyinbo, who says he is also involved in public relations and events, enjoys Yoruba foods and loves Nigerian music. He loves seeing everyone dancing when a music is being playing at parties, unlike the typical American experience where, he says,  many parties are silent, if not dull.
He says, “I have eaten many Yoruba foods, including snakes.”

Balogun adds that he chose to work with Kayode Oyinbo because he (producer) always wants to give viewers a unique experience.  He adds that he does not believe in churning out films without investing a lot in creativity, which, he says, stands out a good movie.

Annie Idibia On Set Of New Movie - See Photos

Annie Idibia, actress and wife of African music Star, 2Face Idibia is getting her groove back and is working on rekindling her acting career.
The amazing actress who has featured in movies like Blackberry Babes, is slated to make quite a re-surface to the scene.
While we await her return to the big scene, she's been spotted on yet another set of a new movie being produced by Uche Jumbo.


UNBELIEVABLE: Meet Turtle That Smokes 10 Cigarettes A Day

According to Chinese media reports, in a village on the outskirts of Changchun lives a nicotine-addicted alligator snapper turtle who smokes around 10 cigarettes a day. The turtle’s keeper says that whenever it feels the need for a smoke, the reptile becomes agitated and starts to hiss.

So how does a turtle become addicted to cigarettes?
A local chef, surnamed Tang, who is helping his boss take care of it, says it all started about two months ago when he noticed the pet had lost interest in its daily fish diet. After inspecting the reptile, he noticed there was a sharp chicken bone lodged in its soft belly, but when he tried to pull it out, it snapped at his hand from the pain, nearly biting off his fingers.
Tang realized the only way he could take out the bone was to distract the turtle, so he took the lit cigarette that was resting in his mouth and gave it to the pet to bite on. Its jaws snapped on the filter and didn’t let go for hours. His idea proved effective, as he managed to remove the sharp chicken bone, but little did the cook know it would lead to an even bigger problem.

The next day, Tang sat down on a chair near the snapper turtle and lit a cigarette after a hard day’s work. As soon as it saw the smoke, the reptile crawled up on him, and being the responsible keeper that he is, he lit another one and put it in its mouth.
The two often went on cigarette breaks together after that, until the turtle became hooked. Now, whenever it doesn’t receive a cigarette,the turtle starts to make hissing sounds and follows Tang around wherever he goes, crawling up on him until it gets the nicotine it craves.
It was fun in the beginning, Tang told the Changchun Evening News, but now he feels responsible for getting the turtle addicted to smoking, plus he can’t afford to keep sharing cigarettes with it. He says he welcomes any advice to help the turtle kick the habit.

Singer Jennifer Lopez Turns 44 Today - Happy Birthday

The Jenny from the block star, popularly called J Lo turns 44 today, July 24.
The actress and singer had a pre-party in the Hamptons.
J Lo may be one year older, but she's still just as flawless as ever!

Happy birthday Jenny!

Mercy Johnson in a Uniform, On Set Of “Dumebi Goes To School

We watched “Dumebi the village girl” - one of the most hilarious Nigerian movies ever – and we loved it. To quench our thirst for more, Tchidi Chikere decided to produce a sequel to the hilarious movie “Dumebi goes to school”
Here’s a sneak peek – Mercy Johnson in a uniform.

Healthy Reasons To Have More Sex

Sex Ville

While growing up, my mother used to tell me that an apple a day keeps the doctor away and made sure I took an apple a day! But when I became a man of the world, I came to realise that apple is not the only thing to keep the doctor away. Sex also has a long and extensive repertoire of health benefits also and can actually keep the doctor far from you. While I have nothing against apples, I know a lot of people who would prefer to get their health kick from some intimate time between the sheets, and boy, does this provide a health kick! Check out these seven health benefits of sex. And remember to thank me later!
1. Sex Eases Pain
You are all snugly and getting set to snag when you hear, “Not tonight darling; I’ve got a headache.” That old cliché is definitely a turn off and a common excuse no to have sex when people simply don’t want to be bothered but it is time to put this age-old excuse to bed once and for all. Have you ever noticed that if you’ve been feeling a few aches and pains before sex, they are usually non-existent afterward the show? This is down to the increased endorphins that soar through your body during sex. Indeed, as you approach and then achieve ‘the big O,’ oxytocin surges through your body and relieves pain. Clever Mother Nature, you will say!

2. Sex Burns Fat
Is sex good for burning that excess fat around your midriff? Definitely and quite perfect. While most physical activity helps you to shed the paunch, you may not be aware of exactly how much fat sex can burn. It has been expertly proven that vigorous sex burns approximately 150 calories every 30 minutes – that’s 300 calories for an hour-long session! The key word here though, ladies and gents, is “vigorous.” Lying on your back while your partner does all of the work is not going to burn fat, so make sure you’re giving it your all. If anyone can think of a better excuse to have sex, please let me know.

3. Sex Increases Lifespan
Yes, you heard me right! Several studies have suggested that getting down and dirty could extend our lifespan by a considerable amount – up to eight years! Again, it is a proven fact that people who have a regular sex life, live up to eight years longer than those who have little of it. The moral? Never give up on sex, no matter how old you are.

4. Sex Strengthens Pelvic Floor Muscles
Guys, I know you are thinking, “Pelvic floor exercises are for women.” Hey, think again! While Kegel exercises are often recommended to women for their ability to treat incontinence and re-strengthen the muscles around that area after childbirth, they’re beneficial for both genders. Indeed, the benefits of Kegel exercises in men include helping with impotence and reducing the risk of prostate cancer. And how do you go about doing Kegel exercises if you’re a man? Sex is just one of the many ways – both men and women are performing Kegel exercises during sex, without even realizing it.

5. Sex Lowers Your Stress Levels
You work an 8-5 job; you must leave home to beat the heavy traffic; you get back home and there is no light: you are thinking of the accumulating bills, school fees, medical bills, water bills, crazy PHCN bills, house rent, etc. All these are enough to give a man high blood pressure and stress. But do not worry, you have a ready cure for the stress and it is sex. Yes, sex and you better believe me. A recent study has shown that with a healthy sex life, you can actually relieve yourself of stress and reduce the risk of hypertension or even lower your blood pressure.

6. Sex Strengthens The Immune System
This is one I know you never thought of. Keep the thanks for now… later please. Am just doing my job. It has, yet again, been proven, scientifically, that people who have sex about three to four times a week have higher levels of immunoglobulin than those who have sex less frequently. Immunoglobulin is an antibody that boosts your immune system and more of it is present during sexy time. More of the immunoglobulin hormone means less risk of developing colds or other infections.

7. Sex Helps You To Look Younger
Let us get one things straight here: we are used to hearing that sex makes you feel younger but let me say that apart from making you feel younger, sex actually makes you look younger. When we reach orgasm, our bodies secrete DHEA, a clever little hormone. Indeed, the benefits of DHEA on our health are too many to list here, but in general, it boosts the immune system, improves cognitive function, improves cardiovascular health and keeps our skin looking fresh and young. The more often you have sex, the younger you’ll look. We’d much rather have sex than fork out lots of money on expensive anti-ageing creams, won’t we?
So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and have more sex. But let it be with your significant half. Till we see again…
Am Out.eclectic, thinker, amenable, stubborn and controversial.

Finally We Have an Excuse to Binge! 6 Health Benefits of Chocolate


Have you ever wanted to just indulge in some major chocolate binging but barely held yourself in check? Well now you have some reason to.
For as long as time, chocolates have served as a welcome treat – whether they’re caressing our taste-buds, spicing up our sex lives or seeing us through the inevitable break-ups, chocolates always guarantee a pleasing experience. On the down side, we’ve often been told of the health risks associated with them; diabetes comes readily to mind while dentists have us believe that chocolates are teeth devils ready to steal, kill and destroy any dental cavity that is unfortunate enough to get in the creamy goodness of chocolates. But are chocolates really as unhealthy as we’ve been made to believe over time? Apparently not.
According to scientists, dark chocolates contain antioxidants – the same chemical that can be found in red wine and vegetables which are renowned for their good effect on the heart. In other words, chocolates are great for the heart!
‘Dare I believe?’, I hear you ask. Yes you should! There’s a ton of reasons why moderate chocolate binging is healthy and here’s 6 of such  reasons:
  • Healthy heart: Dark chocolates are rich in antioxidants which increases the flexibility of veins and arteries thereby reducing blood pressure and the risk of stroke.
  • Dieting: As outrageous as it may sound, chocolates actually help in dieting. According to a study done in one of the world’s chocolate headquarters, Copenhagen, dark chocolate is more filling and offers a feeling of satisfaction thereby lessening the craving for sweet, salty or fatty foods.
  • Controls blood sugar: In another twist, a small Italian study showed that people who ate one bar of dark chocolate for 15 days saw their potential for insulin resistance drop by nearly half! Translation: dark chocolates decrease chances of developing diabetes…go figure!
  • Reduces stress level: A study by Swiss scientists also showed that when anxious people ate one and half ounces of chocolate every day for 2 weeks, the stress hormone level reduced. So is your boss driving you crazy or is the stress of everyday hustling getting to you? Grab a chocolate bar!
  • Boosts brain power: If you’ve been working for 5 hours straight and find yourself completely at a slump, it might be a good time to grab a bar of chocolate. According to a study by the University of Nottingham, chocolates contain caffeine which is rich in flavanols and flavonols boosts blood flow to key parts of the brain for about 2 to 3 hours which could improve performance and alertness in the short term.
  • Promotes feel-good sensation: it isn’t for nothing ladies get the urge to binge on chocolate while nursing a broken heart. In a study conducted by Prof Claudi Ferri of University of L’Aquila, Italy, it was revealed that flavonoids increases nitric acid production which produces a positive effect on the mood much like the same feeling you get when you’re falling in love or you’re happy.
Remember, all binging must be done in moderation! Bon apetit!

10 Brain Damaging Habits You Need To Drop

brain mages

On the evening of Thursday 14th February 2013, while lovers basked in the euphoria of Valentine’s day, exchanging gifts, coy glances and everything else in between, the news of Goldie’s sudden passing hit cyberspace and just like that the conversation changed. Several questions, speculations and controversies later, it turned out the vivacious singer died as a result of  ’intracerebral haemorrhage’ triggered by the fact that she had  ‘hypertensive heart disease’. Shock of shocks! Not drug abuse, not Stroke, not even Deep Vein Thrombosis aka blood clot as was alluded a few hours after news of her death broke but hypertension, a condition we generally associate with folks past middle age.
Often times, we take our youth for granted which is why when someone young suddenly passes away; especially from health-related issues, it seems too far-fetched a thought to grasp. But the truth is these occurrences aren’t quite as far-fetched as we’d like to think. From poor diet regimens to distressing sleep habits, there are so many little things we do which contribute to shortening our life span without us even realising it and no matter how much we ‘reject’ it or console ourselves with thoughts of ‘it is well’, there are certain outcomes that can’t just be wished away.
On this note, we bring you 10 of such brain damaging habits you need to drop like its hot!
  • Skipping Breakfast: We’ve probably heard from our days in Health Education class that breakfast is the most important meal of the day but have we really spared any thought to what this means? No? Here’s why you should: breakfast being the first meal of the day gives you the needed energy to sustain you through the day. Now, if you skip it and go without eating for many hours, the body falls short of glucose which is a main source of energy. To make up for this, the liver will then start to release glucose from the stored glycogen or produce new glucose from the protein molecules which will lead to a rise in blood sugar level. When this goes on for a while, the body will fall short of nutrients to the brain which in turn will cause brain degeneration…surely you know it can’t be a good thing when the brain starts to degenerate.
  • Anti-Social Behaviour: I bet you didn’t see this coming but there it is. Meaningful relationships and a strong support system are vital to brain health. Its also as important to the brain to participate in engaging, intellectual conversation as good food is to the body. Its not enough to just do any kind of talking but witty, intellectual conversation that actually engages the brain is most advisable to develop the brain and also reduce the risk of memory decline. In a study by Harvard School of Public Health, people with active social lives had the slowest rate of memory decline. Also, laughter is indeed the best medicine..laughing engages multiple regions of the brain as opposed to other emotions so just laugh it off!
  • Lack of Stimulating Thoughts: Again, we can’t stress the importance of engaging the brain..reading, writing, crossword puzzles and even movie watching are just some of the ways you can stimulate the brain. Lack of brain stimulation causes brain shrinkage which will do you no good. On the flip side, stressing over things on a high level leads to the production of cortisol which interferes with the part of the brain that handles recent memories also causing brain shrinkage. For instance, ever wonder why you never seem to find something you’re looking for when you’re panicky and stressed? Exactly.
  • Over Eating: While it’s important to have breakfast, it’s also important to keep meals in moderation. Eating more than the body requires can lead to fat build-up and subsequently obesity which could cause the brain arteries to harden thereby decreasing mental power. So the next time you want to go overboard with food, ask yourself if you really want to sacrifice your brain cells for a few minutes of taste-bud pleasure.
  • Smoking: This goes without saying, even the cigarette companies never fail to warn us after each commercial that ‘smokers are liable to die young’. But just incase you missed the memo, smoking over time can lead to  lead to multiple brain shrinkage which damages the memory, learning and reasoning  abilities eventually resulting in Dementia and Alzheimer’s. Need we say more?
  • Sleep Deprivation: Scientists recommend an average of 7-8 hours of sleep for adults and for good reason too. Sleep is necessary for memory consolidation as memory-enhancing activities occur in the deepest stage of sleep. That said, long term loss of sleep can accelerate the death of brain cells which results in loss of memory. Now do you really want to sacrifice hours of sleep for things you may lose the ability to remember several sleepless years down the line?
  • Covering the Head While Sleeping: Are you guilty of throwing a pillow over your head as you sleep? Well you may want to change that habit because a covered sleeping head hinders oxygen supply to the brain. Instead what happens is an increased concentration of carbon dioxide which has brain damaging effects so take note. Ladies, you may also want to lay off the hair nets once in awhile…and the weaves too of course.
  • High Sugar Consumption: Again like some of the other habits, we’ve most probably heard of the disadvantages of excessive sugar consumption for as long as we can remember. In the case of the brain, it interrupts the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition and interfering in brain development. It also reduces the production of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) which is responsible for us forming new memories, learning and remembering.
  • Staying in an Air-Polluted Environment: The brain is the largest consumer of oxygen in the body and so it follows that staying in an environment that denies it an abundance of oxygen is not unlike a parched throat. Polluted air, therefore, reduces the supply of oxygen which in turn reduces brain efficiency.
  • Working Brain During Illness: Are you home recovering from an illness and still accessing emails and drafting work schedules? Stop! Turn off that phone and shut down that system because when you’re ill, there’s a chemical imbalance in the chemical neurotransmitters that coordinate the brain and body activities. Moral of the story: if you keep pushing your body, then you risk slowing down the effectiveness of your brain cells which could lead to brain damage.
Healthy, Brain-Friendly Alternatives:
  • Vitamin B: Rather than eat the first thing you can lay your hands on, ensure that you have a healthy dose of Vitamin B in your daily food intake. Vitamin B delivers oxygen and provides protection against free radicals. It also sharpens the senses and boosts the memory. Leafy green vegetables like spinach, broccoli and fruits like mangoes and water melons are rich in antioxidants which are a great source of oxygen for the brain. Green tea, red wine (in moderation), cranberry juice and peanuts are also recommended not for Vitamin B now but because they are rich in antioxidants which provide oxygen and enhance blood flow to the brain.
  • Omega-3: Fatty fish like salmon, mackerel and tuna as well as walnuts, kidney and soybeans are some food items that are rich in Omega-3 which are very good for the brain.

This Goes For Ladies; Hot! Sexy! Spicy! Girly…Let’s Go Pink!

Hot! Sexy! Spicy! Girly…Let’s Go Pink!


Are you a learner? Haven’t you heard? Pink rocks! If you haven’t been able to save enough to get one yet, then you need to be in Jupiter. You are an earth-unfit!
Then & Now
Gone are those days when the color red was da bomb! Our mamas used to apply red to get attention from the papas and it wasn’t such a bad thing. They looked like they had said ‘yes’ even before been asked, “How are you”? Red could match everything. It symbolized loved, roses, the heart and acceptance to a date…”Red light alert!
Unto new things, ladies are not going slow on pink plus the fact that, there’s the existence of the phrase ‘color blocking’ and names like ‘Nicki Minaj’. I mean, if she could title her most anticipated album, ‘Pink Friday’, then you can imagine what powers the color has worldwide. Forgive me, but even corpses are worn pink lipsticks too!

It’s Job!
Pink exudes gentleness and tolerates a heart-break faster and yeah, it doesn’t sell out the ladies like red used too. ‘I like you but you’ve got to sweat a little’ that’s the strong message sent to the men. Besides, which man doesn’t go squashy just by admiring a pair of pink lips on a sweet girl? Note that the pink lipstick for example, enumerates the eyes and facial beauty in the best possible way.
Red to Pink, Loving the view?

The color also rocks on clothes! Ever thought of Paris Hilton? You’ll know why men flock around her like bees chasing nectar. Mamamia! Rihanna locked in a deep-pink lipstick? Chris Brown would go gaga… again! Also, just imagine Tonto Dikeh in that hot pink flair mini gown in her ‘Hi‘ video, you’ll forget she’s hard core, if you get my drift! Celebs have embraced that shade more than anyone else in the world. Maybe because their stylists advise them too or they just wanna feel ‘womanly’. It totally brings the Cinderella in every woman.
Paris Hilton & Rihanna rockin’ Pink!
Take note that pink is obvious and comes in various shades: fuchia, rose, dust, nude etc so one need to be careful how you wanna look in any of them. Mind you that wearing pink means toning down on any other color on your clothes, eye shadows, masquerades, and blush; except you are prepared to look like a clown or a statue for an art gallery.
In addition, please do not appear in an all-pink outfit. That’s a complete mis-hip! You’ll look like a kindergarten’s painting. Look girly but not to girly that you end up like Barbie. It’s ridiculous. Leave it for the cartoons networks.

En Vogue!
Pink didn’t just show up today, been there for centuries but its currently topping the lipstick brands and even diamond sales. ‘Diamonds are a girl’s best friend’ and pink diamonds and pearls are just the goddesses to the female folk. Wonder why our ancestors didn’t make it famous? Anyways, thanks to today’s’ trends, pink is spotted on every fashion stand. Hollywood super rapper, Nicki Minaj got one her major million-dollar endorsement deals with L’Oreal Paris just by paying more attention to her pink lips. Katy Perry tried too, but didn’t get that much attention.

A Word!
Get a pink lipstick, dress, make up bag, shoes, belt, hair band, ring, blush, nail polish, lingerie and see the difference! Remember to mix it up with bolder shades like black, green, blue or yellow. Pink sometimes don’t match with milder touches like white and pink its self.

That being said, it’s all yours for the grabs. Sport on your Pink and rock it like a Pro!

Say Goodbye to Bad Hair Days! Rainy Season Hair Care Tips


As every lady knows, hair and rain are a no-no and with the rains in full swing, every day almost seems like a bad hair day waiting to happen. Asides the season-long struggle to keep our locks dry and bouncy, there’s also the eternal debate of what hairstyle would be most convenient and easiest to maintain in these hair-turous times.
This is exactly what led us into town to seek the counsel of the experts and we caught up with Abbey of Bobby’s Signature, Lekki who shared a few hair care tips.
What hairstyle to wear…
Braids all the way! When it comes to convenience, you can’t beat the on-the-goness of braids. You just take out your hair net, run your fingers through and you’re good to go. This makes it Abbey’s number one recommended hairstyle for rainy season. Bangs and short hair also very highly recommended as they make for good protective hairstyles while bangs also happen to be very in right now (hint, hint ladies!)
What to do when your hair gets beaten by the rain:
  • Dry your hair with a dryer preferably so that the heat can get to all parts of the scalp. Do not just dry the hair with natural air or a blow drier
  • After your hair is dry, oil your scalp with a moisturising cream so as to check excessive dryness that would have occurred as a result of being under the dryer
  • In the case of short hair or bangs, ensure that you oil ONLY the scalp and not the hair itself. Avoid oiling the hair directly because excess oil on weaves makes it lose its bounce.
So there you have it ladies, your tips to fabulous hair – rain or no rain.
Stay gorgeous!

Child Not Bride: Tonto Dikeh, Monalisa Chinda, Charles Novia & Gbenga Adeyinka Campaign Against Underage Marriage


It keeps gathering pace and momentum. The protests and widespread condemnation of the decision of the Nigerian senators to pass a bill which makes legal the acquisition of child brides has been on the increase with notable celebrities such as Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde, Stella Damasus, Liz Benson & Stephanie Linus Okereke adding their influential weight against the bill. Awesome. And now it’s set to continue. 4 other heavyweights have joined the fray, and they aren’t just talking fire. They’re throwing punches, verbal punches. So ladies and gents, it’s with great pleasure that I introduce actresses Tonto Dikeh & Monalisa Chinda, movie director and intellectual,Charles Novia and comedian, Gbenga Adeyinka.
Below are their take on the issue. A lot of takes, actually.
Charles Novia
The movie man went for the argumentum ad hominem (attack on the individual), hitting the human facilitator of the controversial bill – Senator Yerima. In his words:
GOD PUNISH YOU, SENATOR YERIMA: I just read a purported defence of Senator Ahmed Yerima about the Underage Marriage bill he coerced his fellow dimwit Senators to pass into law. His lame excuses are as stupid as they are so archaic. A theory from a puerile mind: hiding under obtuse reasons to justify his sexual appetites through a Holy Law. This neanderthal Senator is a threat to National Security and National Unity. I hear he aspires to be the next President or Vice-President of this country, Nigeria. I can safely tell him that his aspirations will come to nought.
After amputating hands and legd in Zamfara State and shipping them to the South West to beg for alms in a suspicious Political Sharia atmosphere as proved by both President Obasanjo and Mallam El Rufai in his book, the dense Senator wishes to justify his actions by blaming it on a skewed lifestyle in a fictitious city wher he lives! I don’t know how else to answer the irritant Senator but to heap God’s punishment upon him and his ilk.
May your ambitions to have a paedophile-imposed state never come to fruition and may you and your ilk have your political ambitions castrated. I join millions of women in Nigeria and beyond to abuse you and your friends in the Senate. And I will join them to celebrate too when your bill never sees the light of day. And it won’t. Trust me. It won’t. So sue me, asshole.

Gbenga Adeyinka
The comic man stood with Novia on this one. Hitting straight at Yerima, and his Dad’s semen. Ouch. In his words:
Good people, so sorry to disturb you this rainy afternoon. I just read the response from a truly sick Senator Ahmed Yerima, A second time governor, A two term senator and truly a  pervert trying to justify Child Marriage.
He says that child marriage is a solution to abortion and prostitution. I guess it also must be a solution to Embezzlement, Bad leadership, Insecurity and all the other problems that he and his type have heaped on our nation since independence.
If it is not that I was brought up not to insult adults, I would have called him a sorry excuse of a human being and a waste of his father’s sperm but I will not.
I will only end this by telling him that nothing he says can ever justify marrying a baby as a wife, even if he claims they don’t sleep with them at a young age.
Since he likes Egypt so much, I will end this by praying that may the fleas of a thousand Egyptian Camels infest his pubic area and armpit.”

Monalisa Chinda
Silky as snow, sleek as gold, the fair-skinned beauty ran with her rant to twitter, where she kept it coming straight from her bleeding heart. A saint, this one. In her words:
Click for Full Image Size

Tonto Dikeh
I saved the best for the last. Mad as shit, Tonto Dikeh, aka Poko Baby was true to her style, rolling it fast, dirty and real from the angry depths of her lovely crazy heart. She speaks her mind, and me likey! In her words:
Click for Full Image Size


Karen Biggo! Actress & OAP Karen Igho Becomes DSTV Nigeria Ambassador


There she is, taking it all in her stride and getting her hustle pushing to the A-zone. Karen Igho is a lot of things (Daring, sassy, witty, sexy), and she does a lot of things too (acting, talking, presenting, modelling)! And now she adds to that list with a new one: Ambassadoring (bad english, I know).
The lively Tinsel star and OAP at Naija FM has just revealed via twitter that she just got signed onto a deal with MultiChoice‘s digital satellite TV service in Africa, DSTV.

A new deal comes with new roles like, say, having a photo shoot, which she’s done and dusted with. And where would she reveal that to us other than…Twitter!

So congratulations Karen Igho. With the steep increase in all your entertainment hustle and the consequent rise in your bank account details, permit us to rename you; Karen Biggo!

5 Hidden Differences Between the Royal Baby And Baby North West


It’s no news that Prince Williams and Kate have welcomed a baby boy and it’s even staler news that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West also welcomed a baby girl last month. Why we are poking our noses into this matter is because both babies had been simultaneously conceived and anticipated. So now that both have finally arrived, what next? We have discovered some secret differences between these two kids (aside their gender) and we want to share…
Married And Single:
So while the royal baby is been born from a holy and beloved royal matrimony entangled with so love and power, the Kimye baby appears to be coming out of wedlock in the most confused and strange relationship in Hollywood. Need I remind us that people still wonder if Kanye West will stay in love for too long? Especially when he was spotted kissing a model in France while his girl was preggy for him! Mmm, we just wonder what kind of love exists in North’s home.
Royal Vs Hollywood Kiss

Fake And Real Royalty
As the name goes (for now), the royal baby is truly royal, with the blue blood running through his veins. He’s the son of a king and the great grandchild of the Great Queen Elizabeth for Christ’s sake. It’s obvious he won’t be fighting for power coz he is power! On the other hand, baby North will be struggling to attain the throne maybe for the rest of her life like her mother has been doing and will never go near royalty till death do us part. Ouch! Can’t imagine that same effort will have to see another generation. Not to worry baby North, you are the princess of the Hollywood Throne. Oh! That’s if Blue Ivy allows it!
Kate holds Royal Baby

Name vs Appearance
Kimye had to do something for their baby to stay relevant to the press and so decided they will announce a name and then keep the child’s body parts away from the prying eyes of the bad guys – paparazzi. How relevant was that? Especially when North West sounded like some lost passengers discussion trying to find their way from a map or a daring reference to where God resides. Now, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge politely followed the old royal tradition by presenting their new bundle of joy to the rest of the world and kindly telling the press they are ‘still working on the name’. Which is better, seeing a real baby or hearing the name of someone, we don’t even know is real?
Royal Couple presents baby boy to public

The Future
The royal baby is definitely heading to The Throne to become Great Britain’s king after his dad. Awww! How noble! His future is made even before he is conceived and from birth he is having the royal treatment meant for a sovereign. However, we are still deliberating on what the future holds for baby North West. Oh yes! She is a Kim Kardashian and Kanye West breed. That means a daughter of a confirmed selfish reality star and narcissistic hip hop star/weird fashion designer. OMG! Baby North’s future already looks confused and weird. Are we seeing a Paris Hilton or a Britney Spears come-back? What do you think Baby North will become?
Future Baby North West/ Royal Baby

Fashion & Style
Alright, this is the point where we shyly hand over the prize to baby North. With a very hot fashionista for a mama and an award winning fashion designer for a daddy, North rocks even in our imaginations. Mind you, she is a girl and Kim will combine Versace, Dash, Gucci, Valentino, Calvin Klein and her boyfriend’s sometimes weird collection on her. We can’t wait to see how North will look at age 5! Meanwhile, the royal baby might just stay ‘royal’, wearing the smaller version of his dad’s unbearable casual outfits and mandated suits and ‘red jackets’. He will also be using the army uniform as part of his wardrobe. Awww, this isn’t going to be sexy. Thinking the royal couple is so pretty but both seem to have thrown their genuine fashion senses into the Pacific never to be resurfaced. That’s truly sad.
Fashion: Hollywood vs Royal England

So guys, while we celebrate our two young royalties: a Hollywood royalty and Great Britain’s future king, bear in mind, we somehow wish that both could marry someday. At least with that, Kim could finally taste true royalty. Something she’s been dying to be part of for ages. Don’t laugh! We are dead serious on this one.

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