
Monday 2 September 2013

For Ladies – 10 Things That Mean More to Men Than “I Love You”

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With these tips, you would learn how to show a man you love him in ways he will truly appreciate.
1. Your Undivided Attention
When the male brain sees you checking your iPhone during dinner, it interprets that as ‘I’m not important.”
2. His Favorite Meal
That old adage is true: “The best way to a man’s heart may be through his belly.” Knowing what he likes to eat without having to ask him demonstrates how well you know him.
3. Wearing that Dress He Loves You in
Dolling up sends the message that you still want to look good for him, no matter how long you’ve been together. Men’s brains are wired to respond to visual cues more than women’s brains.
4. Taking Care of Yourself
Shedding stress, eating right, exercising, quitting smoking and even pampering yourself may sound like treats for you, but they’re also ways to show you love him. “This communicates, “I want to have a long, wonderful life with you.”
5. Complimenting Him
Genuine compliments on his looks and strength confirm that you admire him, which equates to love.
6. Encouraging Him to Take Time for Himself
While you may not hesitate to ask for you time, your husband may have trouble verbalizing what he needs. Occasionally, suggest he take a day to relax with friends, play video games, work on the car or just sleep in. This shows support and allows him the freedom to do what he needs to be his best self.
7. Asking His Advice
Your man wants to feel like an important part of your world. On top of that, he’s a hard-wired problem-solver. Ask for his opinion on how to approach the boss for a raise, and you prove you trust and value his judgment.
8. Thanking Him for the Little Things
Next time your husband drives the kids to school or takes out the trash, express your gratitude. We’re rushing through life, we forget to notice the good deeds and guys forget to say what they need from you, but they have feelings, too. So say, “I really appreciate that.”
9. A lengthy hug.
Instead of a quick peck before running out the door, choose a lingering embrace. While women connect verbally, men connect more through touch.
10. Letting Him Vent
The latest office drama or family fight plays on his emotions more than he’d like to let on. So create a safe space for your guy to let his walls down. Listen to his worries or problems without trying to fix them.

First Aid For An Heart Attack Victim.

download (1)A heart attack occurs when an artery that supplies oxygen to your heart muscle becomes blocked. A heart attack may cause chest pain that lasts 15 minutes or longer. But a heart attack can also be silent and produce no signs or symptoms.
Many people who experience a heart attack have warning symptoms hours, days or weeks in advance. The earliest warning sign of an attack may be ongoing episodes of chest pain that start when you’re physically active, but are relieved by rest.
Someone having a heart attack may experience any or all of the following:
Uncomfortable pressure, fullness or squeezing pain in the center of the chest lasting more than a few minutes
Pain spreading to the shoulders, neck or arms
Lightheadedness, fainting, sweating, nausea or shortness of breath
If you or someone else may be having a heart attack:
Call for emergency medical assistance. Don’t “tough out” the symptoms of a heart attack for more than five minutes. If you don’t have access to emergency medical services, have someone, such as a neighbor or friend, drive you to the nearest hospital. Drive yourself only as a last resort, if there are absolutely no other options. Driving yourself puts you and others at risk if your condition suddenly worsens.
Chew a regular-strength aspirin. Aspirin reduces blood clotting, which can help blood flow through a narrowed artery that’s caused a heart attack. However, don’t take aspirin if you are allergic to aspirin, have bleeding problems or take another blood-thinning medication, or if your doctor previously told you not to do so.
Take nitroglycerin, if prescribed. If you think you’re having a heart attack and your doctor has previously prescribed nitroglycerin for you, take it as directed. Don’t take anyone else’s nitroglycerin.
Begin CPR on the person having a heart attack, if directed. If the person suspected of having a heart attack is unconscious, an emergency medical specialist may advise you to begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). If you don’t know CPR, begin pushing hard and fast on the person’s chest over the heart — about 100 compressions a minute.

Nutrition – 5 Foods that Cause Ageing!!!

images (28)Everything that you eat shows up on your face. Even the dermatologists support this thought. Visit them, and they will explain how your skin is a cue to what is happening inside your body. When your arteries are clean from inside, they pump oxygenated blood, resulting in a glowing skin. So, we need to be very careful about what we eat, as it hinders the proper functioning inside. Here are a few food items which you should avoid, in order to stay young for long
1. Sugar
Everyone desires to flaunt blemish-free skin, but if you have a sweet tooth then you better watch out! Sugar hastens the degradation of elastin and collagen, both key skin proteins. In other words, it actively ages you. Sugar tends to attach to proteins in the bloodstream and form molecules known as advanced glycation end products. And, since collagen is the most prevalent form of protein available in our body, sugar attaches to them and quickly kills the elasticity of skin, thus causing wrinkles
2. Alcohol
It is a truth that alcohol causes ageing. You can discount some years off your skin if you moderate your liquor intake. To begin with, alcohol has zero nutrients. And, when alcohol is metabolised, it widens our blood vessels that carry blood to our face, causing puffiness. Over a period of time our blood vessels continue to widen and lose elasticity.
3. Processed Foods
Processed foods include pasteurised dairy products, processed meat, refined grains, etc. They contain phosphates, which are used as preservatives and flavour enhancers. High levels of phosphates accelerate signs of ageing. They also increase age-related complications, such as kidney disease, cardiovascular calcification, and induce severe muscle and skin atrophy. Keeping the balance of phosphate in the diet may be important for a healthy life and longevity.
4. Fried Foods
Fried food is responsible for weight gain, and also causes oil build up in the body. It also traps the harmful bacteria in your body, leading to acne and breakouts. Moreover, it contains trans fats (also known as artificial fats) that cause skin inflammation and encourage insulin resistance. and obesity. So, make sure you cut down on your French fries, potato chips, burgers, etc.
5. Caffeine
Caffeine leads to dehydration. It not only takes away moisture from your skin, but it also increases the production of cortisol. An overdose of cortisol accelerates the ageing process by thinning your skin. So, try and stay away from it. However, if you still want to have your coffee, make sure that you drink enough water to stay hydrated.
So, eat foods that do not have inflammatory effects and are quick to repair, regenerate and reproduce new skin cells, thus making your skin glow

First Aid For A Person Suffering From Gastroenteritis

images (28)Gastroenteritis is an inflammation of your stomach and intestines. Common causes are:
Food or water contaminated by bacteria or parasites.
Reaction to a new food. Young children may develop signs and symptoms for this reason. Infants who are chest-fed may even react to a change in their mothers’ diets.
Side effect from medications.
Characteristic signs and symptoms include:
Nausea or vomiting
Abdominal cramps
Low-grade fever (sometimes)
Depending on the cause of the inflammation, symptoms may last from one day to more than a week.
If you suspect gastroenteritis in yourself:
Stop eating for a few hours to let your stomach settle.
Drink plenty of liquids, such as a sports drink or water, to prevent dehydration. If you have trouble tolerating liquids, take them in frequent sips. Make sure that you’re urinating normally, and that your urine is light and clear and not dark. Infrequent passage of dark urine is a sign of dehydration. Dizziness and lightheadedness also are signs of dehydration. If any of these symptoms occur and you can’t drink enough fluids, seek medical attention.
Ease back into eating. Gradually begin to eat bland, easy-to-digest foods, such as soda crackers, toast, gelatin, bananas, rice and chicken. Stop eating if your nausea returns. Avoid milk and dairy products, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, and fatty or highly seasoned foods for a few days.
Consider acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) for relief of discomfort, unless you have liver disease.
Get plenty of rest. The illness and dehydration can make you weak and tired.
Get medical help if:
Vomiting persists more than two days
Diarrhea persists more than several days
Diarrhea turns bloody
Fever is 101 F (38.3 C) or higher
Lightheadedness or fainting occurs with standing
Confusion develops
Worrisome abdominal pain develops
If you suspect gastroenteritis in your child:
Allow your child to rest.
When your child’s vomiting stops, begin to offer small amounts of an oral rehydration solution (CeraLyte, Enfalyte, Pedialyte). Don’t use only water or only apple juice.
Gradually introduce bland, easy-to-digest foods, such as toast, rice, bananas and potatoes. Avoid giving your child full-fat dairy products, such as whole milk and ice cream, and sugary foods, such as sodas and candy. These can make diarrhea worse.
Consider acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) for relief of discomfort, unless your child has liver disease. Don’t give your child aspirin.
If you’re chest-feeding, let your baby nurse. If your baby is bottle-fed, offer a small amount of an oral rehydration solution (CeraLyte, Enfalyte, Pedialyte) or regular formula.
Get medical help if your child:
Becomes unusually drowsy.
Vomits blood.
Has bloody diarrhea.
Shows signs of dehydration, such as dry mouth and skin, marked thirst, sunken eyes, or crying without tears. In an infant, be alert to the soft spot on the top of the head becoming sunken and to diapers that remain dry for more than three hours.
Is younger than age 2 and has a fever that lasts more than one day or is age 2 or older and has a fever that lasts more than three days.

For Men – 10 Factors That Affect The Health Of Your man-hood.

images (29)Various factors can affect man-hood health — some modifiable and some not. They include;
1. Unprotected s*x. You can contract a sexually transmitted infection if you have unprotected s*x.

2. Heart disease and diabetes. Restricted blood flow caused by diabetes and atherosclerosis — hardening of the arteries — can cause erectile dysfunction.
3. Certain medications and treatments. Certain medications and treatments can affect your man-hood health. For example, surgical removal of the prostate gland (radical prostatectomy) and surrounding tissue as treatment for prostate cancer might cause urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction.
4. Smoking. Smoking doubles your risk of erectile dysfunction.
5. Hormone levels. Hormone imbalances, such as testosterone deficiency or too much of the hormone prolactin, have been linked to erectile dysfunction.
6. Psychological problems. Depression can cause a loss of libido. Likewise, if you experience an erection problem, you might be concerned that it’ll happen again — causing anxiety or depression. This can compound the problem and lead to impotence. Trauma — such as child abuse — can lead to pain associated with s*x.
7. Neurological conditions. Stroke, spinal cord and back injuries, multiple sclerosis and dementia can affect the transfer of nerve impulses from the brain to the man-hood, causing erectile dysfunction.
8. Getting older. Testosterone levels decline normally as you age. This might lead to a decrease in s*xual interest, a need for more stimulation to achieve and maintain an erection, a less forceful ejaculation and a need for more time before you can achieve another erection.
9. Piercings. A man-hood piercing can cause skin infections.
10. Aggressive or acrobatic s*x or self service. If your man-hood is bent suddenly or forcefully while erect, the trauma might cause a man-hood fracture. man-hood fractures are rare.

For Women – 10 Compliments Your Husband Needs To Hear!!!

images (28)The things we say have a big impact on our marriages. Men sometimes get the reputation for being the less communicative s*x, but that doesn’t mean they don’t thrive on affirming words from their wives. Whether or not your husband is begging for verbal affection, here are 10 compliments that your husband needs to hear.
1. I’m so glad I married you. Men need to feel secure in marriage, and the fastest way to let your man know he’s still the one is to tell him outright. This is a great compliment because it can come completely out of the blue, without him having to do anything to earn it. Spontaneous compliments feel genuine and sincere.
2. I love how you provide for our family. Men hold themselves to a high standard when it comes to providing, and they need you to acknowledge their efforts. Let your husband know that he doesn’t have to make millions to still make you happy.
3. I ‘m so proud of you. You’ll get far in marriage being your husband’s greatest cheerleader. In a world that continuously knocks him down, be the one to always lift him up.
4. You’re such a great daddy. If you have kids, praise your husband for his involvement with the family. Modern society often tells dads that they come second to mom, so let him know he’s a valuable asset to your family.
5. You’re so hot. Your husband needs to know you love the way he looks, even after a few years and a few extra pounds. Many men send and receive love through touch and physical intimacy, so complimenting his body is one of the fastest ways to show him love in a way he understands.
6. Thanks for fixing the broken dryer. Whenever your husband plays Mr.Fix-It around the house, compliment his efforts. He needs to feel capable, especially when he’s taking care of you.
7. Thanks for the help around the house. Helping out can be a little scary for the man of the house. Chances are that you have your own way of doing things and he may be afraid of messing up your system. Thank him sincerely when he helps out, regardless of whether he folds the sheets the “right” way.
8. You can always make me laugh. Let your man know that he lightens up your day and brings positive energy into your household. Even if your husband isn’t the ha-ha funny type, you can still compliment his stellar smile.
9. You’re so strong. The next time your husband lifts a heavy load of laundry, bat your eyelashes a little and compliment his Superman-like strength, even if you could have done the task yourself. Husbands need to know they’re good for something, and they certainly need to know they’re good for you.
10. I love spending time with you. We all get caught up in the business of everyday life, so let your spouse know that you still love to simply hangout with him. After all, you’ll be his best friend and constant companion forever.
Take a little time today to thank the man in your life for all he does. It doesn’t take much to make your husband’s day, boost his confidence and make him want to lift you up in return.

8 Amazing Benefits Of Pawpaw Fruit You Should Know!!!

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You may often eat pawpaw because it is unique, it’s cheap and readily available. But you also may not know that by eating pawpaw unconsciously, you have also nourished your body. Health benefits include
1. Increase the body’s immunity
Eating papaya fruit is believed to increase your body’s immunity against disease. That is because the content of vitamin A and vitamin B are needed to improve the immunity contained in pawpaw. Thus, diseases caused by decreased immunity such as coughs, colds, flu and infections can be prevented by eating pawpaw fruit.
2. Protects against free radicals
Pawpaw fruit also contains vitamin C, vitamin E, panthotenic acid, folic acid, flavonoids, magnesium, minerals, fiber and potassium, which act as antioxidants. As is known, serves as a protective antioxidant the body from free radicals.
3. Assist wound healing
Pawpaw fruit can assist the body in the healing process of wounds, especially burns, because it contains the enzyme papain and chymopapain enzyme that is useful to reduce inflammation and get rid of dead skin tissue from the injured skin. In addition, several other diseases also can be more severe when the body becomes inflamed. For this reason, pawpaw fruit is also recommended to be consumed by people who are sick.
4. Preventing cancer
One of the important properties of pawpaw fruit for the body is able to prevent cancer, especially colon cancer. This is possible because the pawpaw contain antioxidants and fiber which is pretty much so that it can help those who are experiencing difficulty in bowel movements.
5. Enhance male virility
Pawpaw is able to increase virility because they contain an enzyme called arginine. In the medical world, arginine is known as a substance that can increase blood flow in the man-hood of men. This substance also serves to increase the nitric acid in the body that relaxes the muscles around blood vessels that supply the private parts. Thus, these blood vessels will dilate and blood flow to the man-hood will increase.
6. Preventing lung disease
Pawpaw fruit is very useful for people who have weak lungs because they contain vitamin A in a considerable degree. Thus, eating papaya will make their bodies more resistant to transmission of diseases such as bronchitis caused by weak lungs was.
7. Controlling premature aging
Pawpaw fruit is believed by experts to control premature aging by helping the body to digest food properly. When the body properly digests all the nutrients needed by the body, then the body will be healthier and organ functions will run smoothly.
8. Prevent stroke and heart disease
Pawpaw fruit contains lots of fiber and antioxidants, which can help prevent the oxidation of cholesterol in the liver and lower levels automatically. With lower levels of cholesterol in the blood, then you will also avoid the risk of stroke and heart disease.

Exclusive pics of Ice Prince with US rapper Meek Mill in Philadelphia

Ice Prince met up with US rapper Meek Mill a few hours before their Dream Chasers Sports and Entertainment Summit show on Friday August 30th in Philadelphia. More photos after the cut...

Davido’s Sister, Sharon Adeleke’s White Wedding;PHOTOS

The day has finally come and gone.
HKN leader, Davido has been in the US for his sister, Sharon Adeleke’s wedding.
The wedding went ahead as planned in Miami yesterday, 01-September 2013.
Davido, May D and Davido’s cousins were in attendant.
Check out photos: -

Tonto Dikeh Shows Off Her 24-Carat Gold, 5.7 Carat Diamond iPad, iPhone5 And Wrist-Watch

Ok, so gold gadgets is what is trending now with celebrities in Nigeria.
A couple of days ago, D’Prince showed off his gold plated iPad now it’s  few weeks ago and now Tonto Dikeh’s turn.
The controversial actress turned singer showed off her expensively customised gadget which she received as a present from Malivelihood.
tonto6 tonto7 


D’Prince Shares a Photo of Himself and His Own Pet

Some people keep dogs, others cats and some people don’t even like pets.
Mavin artiste and brother to Don Jazzy –  D’Prince has shared a photo of himself and his own pet.
D’Prince keeps a Gold-Fish as a pet, yes you heard me right.

Actress Anita Joseph releases sexy new photos

See more photos after the cut...

Singer Future and Girlfriend Ciara Flaunt their Matching Bentleys

Their love seems to be waxing stronger and stronger.
Singer Future and girlfriend Ciara went on their respective Instagram pages to flaunt their matching Bentleys.
Future bought a 2014 Bentley Flying Spurs valued at $210,000 while Ciara bought a Bentley Continental.

Reggie Rockstone is 1st GloXFactor judge to lose all his contestants

With the exit of the Top 6 group ‘Symphony’ last Friday on the GloXFactor, Ghanaian hunk and music icon Reggie Rockstone is the first judge to be without a protegee this season. The easy-going Reggie who was mentor to all groups on GloXFactor this season has taken it in good stride and is enjoying the show. This leaves judges MI Abaga and Onyeka Onwenu in a tussle to the end as their protégées contend for the 24 million naira prize and Sony recording contract.

Voting lines close 8pm tonight! Keep your favourite contestant in the competition. Continue...

To Find out more, visit their website, @GloXFactor on Twitter and

Yung6ix Claims to be the Best Rapper in Nigeria

There’s something tacky about people giving themselves credit. We Nigerians frown upon it. And it gets worse when the credit is undeserved. Young rapper Yung6ix knows this, but he’s thrown caution out the window and invited a backlash with his latest tweets.
What do you think? Is he the best? Let’s know what you think.

Dammy Krane Meets Mom After 10 Years

dammy krane and mum

Oh, the joy of reuniting with one’s parent after so many years! That was the delight Nigerian star singer, Dammy Krane had in the United States of America during the Nigerian Entertainment Awards when he had the chance to meet his birth mother after, wait for it, 10 good years! According to what he posted on his Instagram account, they have not seen each other for the past 10 years and also shared a picture of himself and his mother.


Songstress Waje Celebrated Her Birthday with Friends and Colleagues Last Night--PHOTOS

Songstress Waje celebrated her birthday with friends and colleagues at Sailors in Lekki last night. Omawumi, Tiwa Savage, Sasha, Toke Makinwa, Kaffy, Mai Ataifo, Noble Igwe, Latasha Ngwube, Ebuka Obi-Uchendu and many others were at the birthday shindig. More photos after the cut...

Star Actress,Stephanie Okereke In EFCC Trouble Over Gov. Akpabio’s 50 Million Naira

Star actress Stephanie Okereke Linus-Idahosa as well as other top Nollywood stakeholders are now in the eyes of the storm as they are being kept under watch by the Economic and Financial Commissions, EFCC, after a break-away producers group in the Nigerian movie industry known as the Association of Nollywood Core Producers, ANCOP, petitioned the anti-graft body over a N50 million largesse donated by Governor Godswill Akpabio of Akwa Ibom State to support the industry. The association is alleging massive fraud in the disbursement of the fund and petitioned the EFCC and the Special Fraud Unit, SFU, to investigate the likes of Stephanie Okereke, National President of the Association of Movie Producers, Zik Zulu Okafor, the National President of the Directors Guild of Nigeria, DGN, Andy Amenechi and the Secretary General of the Actors Guild of Nigeria, AGN, Yakubu Abubakar, for collecting and pocketing the funds without the consent of the industry’s stakeholders. In the petition signed by ANCOP, “The Governor presented Stephanie and the others a prototype post-dated Zenith Bank cheque number 00063639 with Akwa Ibom State Government as the account name, issued in favour of Guild of Nollywood Stars. We also gathered that the Governor, in his usual generosity, gave each of the visitors N500, 000 cash. Expectedly, the massive publicity given to the entire episode by the press generated heated debates. In fact, it polarized the industry till today. We are demanding that you immediately commence a full-blown investigation into the alleged fraudulent act over the N50 million Governor Akpabio gave to Nollywood to carry out a specific task but now domiciled in the account of one of the over 30 associations and guilds in Nollywood.” Hmmmm, this is getting interesting.


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